getting personal
I produce images that I like, and of course I'm pleased when others appreciate them enough to want to own them.
However, I get the most satisfaction when I am asked to create something specially for someone.- as was the case with the image on the left. which was inspired by photos taken by a couple on a visit to the Sloss Furnaces landmark site in Alabama, USA.

Not everyone who asks me to produce a picture for them has such a specific idea in mind. The image above was produced for another couple who had visited my studio Their brief was simply that they wanted a landscape for their lounge wall and that it should ideally fit in with the colour of their curtains and sofas ( which were dark red & chocolate brown with cream accessories...
...& then there was this abstract image based on a sheep's skull found on the North Yorkshire Moors that now hangs in the study of a fossil collector...

I produce images mainly for my own satisfaction and it's a bonus when others want to own them - but I get the most satisfaction creating images specially
for someone else....
Home is where the art is...
What can be more personal to you than the place where you live? Maybe it is having a unique image of your home which incorporates pieces of information exclusive to you and your family?
I combine line drawing, mixed media and collage made up of copies of family photos, old letters, significant dates, etc to produce truly personal representations that make houses into homes.
Sizes so far range from A4 to a metre square.
If you are interested in having your own unique home image please get in touch...

© 2024 by Tony Driver Art & Design
website design by 5D Publicity Ltd. (info@5dpublicity.com)
No images to be copied without permission from Tony Driver Art & Design